Process for the Architectural Design of a House

Shelter is the basic necessity of the human race. Some of us are blessed with large houses others suffice on smaller ones. House whether big or small doesn’t matter, all you have to do is to personalize the architecture of your house by designing the spaces based on your personal needs and requirements. You should consult an architect for constructing your house. Tell him your needs and requirements. It’s his job to design your house based on those needs. There are various stages for designing the architecture of a house. In this article we shall discuss them.

The first and the most important stage is the Conceptualization. It includes that what kind of house you want? What are your requirements as to how many rooms you would like? Would you want a hard kitchen attached to the kitchen; do you want laundry area indoors or outdoors? What kind of a program do you need for your house? All these questions bring you down to the very basics that which type of house you want. Should the architecture of the house be modernist with open planning? Open floor plans are a signature characteristic of this style. From the street, they are dramatic to consider. After one decides which type of architectural design he wants then it comes to programmatic requirements. How many bedrooms you require? Should the lounge area be the central space? The drawing room and dining room should they be attached or separate? 

Once the requirements of the project are determined via the programming process the design phase begins. The architect shapes your ideas into the drawings. The next step is translation of your ideas into physical form. Here the architect consults various consultants to work on various systems of your house.  The drawings at this stage are sufficient to initiate the review process. Then you take the initial construction cost by the builder. 

Continuing the design process the construction drawings are prepared that are suitable for submission and construction. These drawing are crucial tools to communicate with those involved in the construction of your house. These drawings are then produced on a larger scale and in described in detail for the construction process. At this phase complete coordination is required between the architect and consultants to prepare the complete set of drawings for the house.   

These drawings are then formed into the submission drawings and submitted to the local authorities to get approval for construction.

Once these drawings get the approved you need to hire a contractor who is best suitable for constructing your house and handover the construction process to him. In this stage the contractor will go to and fro through all the drawings to create the house you imagined.


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